Central Districts Indian Sports Club celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2022. Established in March 1982, CDISC has evolved into a competitive and professional Indian Sports Club, which has many loyal and committed members and supporters. The club has had many successes both on and off the field, in addition to the individual sporting and administration accomplishments from many of our members over the past 40 years.

On Saturday 16th July 2022, CDISC held its 40th Anniversary Celebration function in Palmerston North where we had a fantastic night looking over the clubs history, talking about the memories and highlights, the tournaments played, and of course, some of the antics. We also recognised our inaugural Service Award recipients, and presented Life Member Awards to our two newest Life Members.

Check out video, historical banners, and photos from our 40th Anniversary Celebration below:


Watch the formalities which cover historical speeches, panel talks, Service Award, and Life Member Award presentations.

historical banners

Check out the historical banners which highlight key CDISC moments and achievements over the past 40 years.


Check out the photos from the CDISC 40th Anniversary Celebration as taken by Hitesh Patel, Jitesh Patel, and Kiran Patel.