Date: Sunday 12th February 2023.

Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm.

Venue: Central Normal School, Tile Room (off Hall Foyer), Featherston Street, Palmerston North.


1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes Silence
4. Confirmation of previous AGM Minutes
5. 2022 President's Report (download here)
6. 2022 Financial Report
7. Proposed Changes to Rules & Regulations Document (download here)
8. Election of Officers:
    - President
    - Vice President
    - Secretary
    - Treasurer
    - Committee (4 members minimum)
    - NZISA Delegates (2 members minimum, 3 maximum)
    - Financial Reviewer
0. General Business:
    - Review of Subscription Fees 
    - 2023 Club Events
    - Funding options and viability
    - Other business

As usual, we require members to join the executive and committee for 2023. We need both local members to help us promote and engage with those in our region, and members who now reside outside our region to give us a hand with various club items. It is a casual and friendly atmosphere where we carry out our meetings online to organise the events that we attend and host. 

Further documents in relation to the AGM will we circulated shortly. 

We do hope to see as many members as possible attending the AGM this year, but if there are any apologies please email these in advance. Any queries you may have leading up to the AGM please do not hesitate to contact us.

Central Districts Indian Sports Club Inc.