CDISC held their AGM on Sunday 7th March where a good turn out was had.

Congratulations to the following office bearers were elected for 2021: 

President: Kiran Parbhu

Vice President: Vijay Soma

Secretary/Treasurer: Kanu Ravji

Committee: Hitesh Patel, Mahendra Naran, Sandeep Patel and Sanjay Patel 

NZISA Delegates: Kiran Parbhu, Sandeep Patel, Sanjay Patel

Financial Reviewer: Ray Philips

Welcome back to the top spot for Kiran who is a past President, longtime committee member and NZISA delegate for our club. 

Welcome to Hits Patel who is a new committee member, and Vijay, Moe and Sandeep for continuing their roles. 

A BIG thank you to our immediate past president Sanjay who has led our club since 2017. He's done an amazing job even while based overseas. He has been instrumental in our club and is well respected by our members. We are lucky to have Sanjay still be involved as a committee member. 

CDISC is looking forward to the year ahead with the upcoming QBT and Golden Oldies. We'll also be busy planning for a big 2022 as our club will be turning 40, recognising members via our newly created Service Award, along with hosting the NZISA Golf Open. 

A newsletter will be sent out towards the end of this month. All the best to our club members and supporters for the year ahead!