CDISC has adopted a Service Award Policy to recognise club members who have provided measurable service and contribution that has been above and beyond normal expectations towards CDISC.

The members contribution can be by way of service as an office bearer, administrator, volunteer, NZISA delegate, player, coach, manager, etc.

The nominees’ length of service must have been provided for a minimum period of 10 years (a period of less than 10 years may be considered at the discretion of the CDISC Executive and Committee where appropriate award recognition is warranted). The nominee must have been a past or present CDISC member and have been a financial member during their time of service.

The full list of criteria, along with the Nomination Form, can be found by on the CDISC Service Award Policy which can be downloaded here.

All nominations are to be submitted to the CDISC Secretary by 31st December each year.

CDISC are looking to recognise and award Service Awards in 2022 so if you would like to nominate a past or present CDISC member for this award please contact us this year.