CDISC is proud to congratulate Sandeep Patel on being awarded Life Membership at our AGM today.

Sandeep has had a huge impact on our club since joining the Committee in 2006. His diligent and professional approach has lifted our club administration to new levels and his project management skills have been behind the many successful events our Club has hosted over the years. Sandeep also has a keen eye for design and his creative work can be seen across many CDISC and NZISA publications.

Sandeep has held many roles within our club including Committee Member (7 years), Vice President (3 years) and President (5 years). During this time Sandeep represented the club as an NZISA Delegate for 11 years. Since holding the presidency Sandeep continues to work as hard as ever on the club committee and continues to provide invaluable advice and support to subsequent Presidents.

Sandeep’s humble nature meant he was already discussing plans for future club events after the AGM but we hope you get a chance to reflect on your achievements. Our Club owes a great deal of gratitude to Sandeep for his contributions and we are very proud to add him to our list of esteemed Life Members.

A full list of Sandeep’s achievements, along with our other Life Members, can be found here.