We are pleased to announce the inaugural recipients of our Club Service Awards

The awards are a recognition of our members who have contributed significantly to the club. We created this award to help commemorate our 40th Anniversary year and we intend to present these awards at our 40th Anniversary Function later this year.

Congratulations to all the recipients, thank you for your time and dedication to CDISC. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any community organisation and our club exists and continues to exist because of the input of people like yourselves. Your contributions have been varied and encompass many years but they have all helped the club get to where it is today. We owe you a debt of gratitude to you and are very happy to be able to acknowledge your commitment through this award.

Please join us to congratulate the following recipients:

If you have trouble viewing the image a text based list of these awards can he found here.

Being able to recognise our members with these awards was made possible through the extensive efforts of Mahendra Naran and Sandeep Patel who researched and compiled lists of teams and committees through old newsletters, team registration forms and photos. Thank you for your time and effort working on this, it not only in relates to these awards but will serve as an important record for the club going forward. Thanks also the committee of 2020 who worked through creating the framework for these awards.