Please join us in congratulating CDISC’s two newest Life Members: Jack Parag and Mahendra Naran.

Jack Parag

Jack has been involved with CDISC since its inception as a player, committee member and NZISA delegate with over 24 years of service to the club.

Jack has been a well respected hockey player for CDISC and within the wider Wanganui and Manawatū region and has been central to building the family culture of CDISC. As a senior member of our hockey team he has been a constant mentor to young players. These players recall Jack taking time to look out for them and help them to find their feet within our CDISC teams. He continues to help define the culture within our club with his ability to talk to and relate to any of our members helping to create a friendly and open environment.

Jack’s contribution to the club as a Committee member and NZISA Delegate has been influential in setting the platform for the club to build on and become what it is today. Jack has been involved in the organisation of many successful events and has done a lot of work to help with fundraising which has allowed us to host the events to a high level.

Jack is one our most passionate and loyal supporters and one of the faces synonymous with CDISC. This is possibly helped by the fact that Jack has attended 52 QBTs! (Some with the Wanganui and then Wanganui-Manawatū Indian Sports Clubs prior to the formation of CDISC)

This award is fitting for a stalwart of our club and we are honoured to have Jack as a Life Member.

Jack’s full bio can be viewed here.

Mahendra Naran (Moe)

Moe has been an active and dedicated member of CDISC during his 28 years of service to the club. Moe has represented CDISC in many sporting codes including soccer, golf, cricket, and hockey. Moe’s ‘can do’ attitude has seen him don the goalkeeping pads for many years even though it is not his regular playing position. His mature and calm nature made him well suited to this position and saw him involved in CDISC’s famous QBT A-Section win in 2008 with a crucial save in the penalty shoot out.

Moe has been a long serving member of the club committee (25 years) and is known for always replying with his characteristic considered and thoughtful responses. In this way he helps set the tone for the committee, guiding us as we have worked through difficult decisions. Moe continues to take leadership in the organisation of our members who travel to Golden Oldies.

Moe’s willingness to roll up his sleeves and get to work has been crucial in helping CDISC run many successful events over the years. He is a master at organisation and is our go to for running logistics. He is always busy behind the scenes ensuring our events run like well oiled machines - helping to enhance CDISC’s reputation across the wider NZISA community.

Extremely humble and not fond of attention, it is a great privilege to be able to recognise the hard work Moe has put into the club with this Life Membership Award.

Mahendra’s full bio can be viewed here.

Both Jack and Moe have put a huge amount of effort into our club and are exemplary role models to our members. Please join us to congratulate Jack and Moe on these very well deserved awards.