Come and celebrate 40 years of CDISC!

Ticket information is outlined below. Email us to register and book your tickets by Friday 17th June at the latest. There will be no door sales.

Adults tickets are $50 per person or $90 per couple

Children’s tickets are $25 per child (under 12 years old)

Children aged 5 years and under Free

It will be a fantastic night and we look forward to seeing you all there!


Congratulations to the following players and management who have been selected to represent CDISC at the New Zealand Indian Sports Association Inc. Queen's Birthday Tournament in two weeks time!

The team will be partaking in the Men's B Section and we look forward to competing against the other clubs in our grade.

A big thank you to Mainland Foundation for their continued support towards our club, and to all the CDISC members who are attending to support our hockey boys this year!

The hockey draw for the QBT weekend can be found below.

CDISC Team Announcement Template V3.jpg

Manawatu Legend of Sport


A huge congratulations to CDISC Life Member Suresh Patel QSM for being inducted into the Manawatū Legends of Sport.

Suresh is the first person from the Tararua region to be inducted. The award acknowledges and honours the regions sporting achievers who have dedicated years of service to sport and was presented to Suresh by Sport Manawatū at the Downer Tararua Sports Awards held in Dannevirke last Friday night.

Suresh has been heavily involved in cricket, hockey and rugby as both a player, coach and administrator where his involvement spans a number of clubs and organisations throughout the region.

There is no doubt Suresh is deserving of this prestigious and honourable award, and that he has been recognised by the community he has served!

View the full NZ Herald article here.



CDISC is proud to congratulate Sandeep Patel on being awarded Life Membership at our AGM today.

Sandeep has had a huge impact on our club since joining the Committee in 2006. His diligent and professional approach has lifted our club administration to new levels and his project management skills have been behind the many successful events our Club has hosted over the years. Sandeep also has a keen eye for design and his creative work can be seen across many CDISC and NZISA publications.

Sandeep has held many roles within our club including Committee Member (7 years), Vice President (3 years) and President (5 years). During this time Sandeep represented the club as an NZISA Delegate for 11 years. Since holding the presidency Sandeep continues to work as hard as ever on the club committee and continues to provide invaluable advice and support to subsequent Presidents.

Sandeep’s humble nature meant he was already discussing plans for future club events after the AGM but we hope you get a chance to reflect on your achievements. Our Club owes a great deal of gratitude to Sandeep for his contributions and we are very proud to add him to our list of esteemed Life Members.

A full list of Sandeep’s achievements, along with our other Life Members, can be found here.


CDISC has adopted a Service Award Policy to recognise club members who have provided measurable service and contribution that has been above and beyond normal expectations towards CDISC.

The members contribution can be by way of service as an office bearer, administrator, volunteer, NZISA delegate, player, coach, manager, etc.

The nominees’ length of service must have been provided for a minimum period of 10 years (a period of less than 10 years may be considered at the discretion of the CDISC Executive and Committee where appropriate award recognition is warranted). The nominee must have been a past or present CDISC member and have been a financial member during their time of service.

The full list of criteria, along with the Nomination Form, can be found by on the CDISC Service Award Policy which can be downloaded here.

All nominations are to be submitted to the CDISC Secretary by 31st December each year.

CDISC are looking to recognise and award Service Awards in 2022 so if you would like to nominate a past or present CDISC member for this award please contact us this year.


CDISC held their AGM on Sunday 7th March where a good turn out was had.

Congratulations to the following office bearers were elected for 2021: 

President: Kiran Parbhu

Vice President: Vijay Soma

Secretary/Treasurer: Kanu Ravji

Committee: Hitesh Patel, Mahendra Naran, Sandeep Patel and Sanjay Patel 

NZISA Delegates: Kiran Parbhu, Sandeep Patel, Sanjay Patel

Financial Reviewer: Ray Philips

Welcome back to the top spot for Kiran who is a past President, longtime committee member and NZISA delegate for our club. 

Welcome to Hits Patel who is a new committee member, and Vijay, Moe and Sandeep for continuing their roles. 

A BIG thank you to our immediate past president Sanjay who has led our club since 2017. He's done an amazing job even while based overseas. He has been instrumental in our club and is well respected by our members. We are lucky to have Sanjay still be involved as a committee member. 

CDISC is looking forward to the year ahead with the upcoming QBT and Golden Oldies. We'll also be busy planning for a big 2022 as our club will be turning 40, recognising members via our newly created Service Award, along with hosting the NZISA Golf Open. 

A newsletter will be sent out towards the end of this month. All the best to our club members and supporters for the year ahead!


Notice of 39th Annual General Meeting

Date: Sunday 7th March 2021.

Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm.

Venue: Central Normal School, Tile Room (off Hall Foyer), Featherston Street, Palmerston North.

1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Previous AGM Minutes
4. President's Report
5. Financial Report
6. Election of Officers:
    - President
    - Vice President
    - Secretary/Treasurer
    - Committee (4 members minimum)
    - NZISA Delegates (2 members minimum)
    - Financial Reviewer
7. General Business:
    - Annual Subscriptions
    - Service Award Policy
    - Life Member Nomination
    - 2021 QBT Update
    - 2022 CDISC 40th Anniversary Celebration
    - 2022 NZISA Golf Open
    - Other business.

CDISC require volunteers to join the executive and committee for 2021. We need both local members to help us promote and engage with those in our region, and members who now reside outside our region to give us a hand with various club items. It is a casual and friendly atmosphere where we have two to three online meetings a year to organise events that we attend and host. We do have a few events coming up in 2022 that require advanced planning such as the clubs 40th anniversary, the NZISA Golf Open and possibly the NZISA Under 23 Hockey Tournament, so having members getting involved at committee level to give us a hand would be great.

A proposed 'Service Award Policy' will be voted on for adoption at this AGM. The policy has been written to recognise past and present CDISC members who have provided measurable service and contribution that has been above and beyond normal expectations. There are many club members who would qualify and this will provide the avenue for us to finally recognise them, which we hope to do at the clubs 40th anniversary celebration. The policy document can be downloaded here with copies provided to AGM attendees on the day.

Last year we received one Life Member nomination, and that is for past president and current committee member Sandeep Patel. The nomination has been scrutinised by the CDISC Executive (President, Vice President and Secretary) who have approved that this nomination be voted on by attendees at the upcoming AGM. Copies of the completed nomination form will be provided to AGM attendees but if you would like to view this in advance please contact us.

Lastly we do hope to see as many members attending the AGM this year, but if there are any apologies please email these in advance. Any queries you may have leading up to the AGM please do not hesitate to contact us.

Central Districts Indian Sports Club Inc.


Congratulations to CDISC Founding and Life Member, Paul Patel on being awarded Palmerston North City 2020 Civic Award, one of only four awarded this year. The award is the city's highest recognition for voluntary service!

On behalf of CDISC and our community, we would like to extend our congratulations to Paul for all he has done and continues to do for our club and the wider Indian community!


A big congratulations to CDISC Life Member Suresh Patel on being awarded the Queen's Service Medal for his services to community and sport! 

There is no doubt that Suresh has been an integral part of the Dannevirke and regional Central Districts community, business and sports organisations, and to see him be recognised and awarded a QSM for his great contribution is fantastic news.

This year would have been Suresh's 38th year in a row attending the NZISA Queen's Birthday Tournament, and it would have been great to have celebrated this well deserved achievement with him in person!

On behalf of all CDISC members, players and supporters we congratulate you Suresh!

Read more on Suresh’s contributions and achievements here.


NZISA have confirmed that the upcoming Golf Open in Auckland and the Queen's Birthday Tournament in Pukekohe is cancelled for 2020 due to the current Covid-19 coronavirus situation.

The 2021 Golf Open will be hosted by Auckland, with the final date to be confirmed.

The 2021 Queen's Birthday Tournament will be hosted by Pukekohe, with the date being Saturday 5th June to Monday 7th June 2021.

We hope that everyone is keeping safe during this Alert Level 4 lockdown, keeping within their bubble, and carrying out the methods as advised by the Ministry of Health to keep yourselves and others safe during this period.


CDISC would like to congratulate long serving executive member Kanu Ravji for being nominated and voted in as Life Member at the recent Annual General Meeting.

Kanu has been an influential member of CDISC. His main role has been as Secretary and Treasurer, which he has held more than any other executive member in CDISC history. His involvement totals 30 consecutive years in 2020.

In that time Kanu’s professional expertise as a Chartered Accountant has transferred to running the finances and record keeping of CDISC as Treasurer efficiently and in a timely manner. He was a key figure in making CDISC an Incorporated Society and has been a sounding board for many operational matters relating to CDISC over the years.

In his role as Secretary, he was the newsletter editor for many years in the 1990's and early 2000's, in addition to the many other duties the Secretary’s role entails. As new club presidents and committees have come and gone over the years, Kanu has worked in brilliantly with all persons year after year and accommodated them as required.

Kanu has been a CDISC QBT hockey player for a number of years. He has also represented CDISC at many Golden Oldies hockey tournaments and in earlier CDISC cricket teams. Outside of playing for CDISC Kanu has been a hockey player with the local Broadway Hockey Club, Feilding Hockey Club and the Broadway Indians hockey teams.

Kanu’s friendly and mature nature has helped shape CDISC to where it stands today. There is no doubt that the roles he has taken on as Secretary and Treasurer are the most time consuming executive roles a club has, of which he has fulfilled exceptionally well. His dedication to CDISC is not only seen as an executive member, he has also been a member of a number of tournament committee’s for events CDISC has hosted, and is a regular supporter of CDISC teams regardless of sporting code.

Outside of CDISC Kanu has been involved with the New Zealand Indian Sports Association Inc. (NZISA) where he first attended as a CDISC delegate and then serving as NZISA Treasurer for 10 consecutive years. This again is a high level and time consuming role which Kanu had fulfilled to the highest level, and at a time when NZISA was highly active. His involvement saw him awarded NZISA Honoured Membership in 2012.

Outside of sport Kanu has been involved with the local Indian community where he has held positions with the Central Districts Indian Association Inc. (CDIA) as a committee member for many years.

CDISC Life Membership is the highest award available to recognise individuals who have provided exemplary service and contribution to the Central Districts Indian Sports Club, an award that is highly deserved by Kanu.

Kanu will be presented with his Life Membership award later this year.


The recent AGM voted in office bearers for 2020. The following were nominated and voted in:

President: Sanjay Patel

Vice President: Vijay Soma

Secretary/Treasurer: Kanu Ravji

Committee: Bharat Parsot, Kiran Parbhu, Mahendra Naran, Rohin Patel, Sandeep Patel

Financial Reviewer: Ray Phillips

A big thank you to those who attended, and to the above members for taking on roles on the Executive and Committee.

We hope 2020 is a successful year for CDISC.


Details of the 2020 Golden Oldies Tournament have been released:

“The Bay of Plenty Indian Sports Club are proud to announce the hosting of Golden Oldies 2020 in Rotorua.

The weekend which we have chosen for the event is Labour Weekend, 24th-25th October 2020.

Activities for the weekend are as follows:

Hockey - Smallbone Park, Devon Street Rotorua - Saturday 24th October

Social Dinner - Rotorua Race Course - Saturday 24th October

Lawn Bowls - Venue to be confirmed - Sunday 25th October

Golf - Springfield Golf Course, Rotorua (TBC) - Sunday 25th October

If you are interested in attended with CDISC, as either a player or spectator, please contact Mahendra Naran, CDISC Committee Member, by email at so we can start organising travel and accommodation.


In usual CD style a great weekend was had by all who attended from our region.

CDISC first played Christchurch giving them a good run for their money drawing 3 all at full time, but unfortunately losing 4-2 in shoot outs. Our second game that day against Bay of Plenty A also gave them a good run but victory was with Bay of Plenty winning 7-2.

Sunday saw no games for us, with a relegation game against Pukekohe A on the Monday where again CD played well but Pukekohe being better to win 6-0.

Congratulations to all the boys who played, and to Kiran Parbhu, Sanjay Patel and Vijay Soma for making the NZISA Tournament Team, and to Vijay for also being selected as the MVP for CD.

Winners for Men's A were Wellington and for Men's B and Women's being Pukekohe.

Next years event is in Pukekohe, who will be celebrating their 75th Jubilee, where CD will be back to compete with strength!


2018 NZISA Golf Open

The 2018 NZISA Golf Open will be held in Rotorua on Saturday 6 October at the Springfield Golf Course (download event poster and details here).

There will be Competitive and Social grade competitions to appeal to a wider range of participants. The cut off date for entries is Saturday 22nd September 2018.

If you are interested in partaking in this event please contact our club so we can confirm your registration and entry costs.



What a weekend!

A successful tournament in Auckland has seen CDISC promoted to the A Section for QBT 2019. The weekend consisted mostly of rain but it was full of great hockey and fun right throughout.

All players played extremely well and have done our club proud to achieve the results seen at this QBT. 10-0 against Auckland C, 7-0 against Waikato in the semi final and 2-0 against Pukekohe B in the final are fantastic results. A huge thank you to all players and management for the effort put in to this year’s QBT campaign.

The following players were selected for the B Section Tournament Team: Cassius Malthus-Henman, Roshan Govind, Jit Patel, Krishan Gajadhar, Sachan Dadrah, Sanjay Patel, Sunil Hira and Vijay Soma.

A big thank to all the CD supporters who travelled to QBT this year to support us on the sideline, and to all the supporters who couldn’t make it but supported us by way of phone calls and messages before, during and after the tournament. We do appreciate all your support.

Thanks to Auckland Indian Sports Club for hosting QBT and to the New Zealand Indian Sports Association Inc. for their hard work in running the tournament, especially with having to reschedule the games due to the bad weather.

More photos will be posted later on, including more celebrating to take place as well.

Thanks once again and bring on QBT 2019!

#qbt2018 #cdisc #cd4life

2018 NZISA Queen's Birthday Tournament B Section Hockey Winners!

2018 NZISA Queen's Birthday Tournament B Section Hockey Winners!